Living in Japan

Japan Mobility Blog - Living in Japan

cartoon cockroach
par Mobi 2 août 2024
The hot and humid summers create an ideal environment for cockroaches to thrive. In this blog, we'll explore the issue of cockroaches in Japanese housing, discuss effective measures to combat them, and provide a list of popular insecticides used in Japan.
beat the hot Japan summers with yukata
par Mobi 30 juin 2024
From June to September, temperatures can soar above 30°C (86°F), with humidity levels often exceeding 70%. Here are some tips and tricks to help you stay cool and enjoy the best of Japan's summer.
Zanchibutsu (残置物)
par Jeremy Grigson 30 avril 2024
While stumbling upon leftover items in your new apartment might seem like a bonus, there are nuances to consider. Let's have a look at what Zanchibutsu are and how it impacts both tenants and property owners.
Lease Agreement Doc
par Jeremy Grigson 21 mars 2024
It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the nuances of Japanese housing leases, including the usage prohibitions that shape the tenant-landlord relationship. From subleasing to pet policies, these restrictions play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of rental properties and fostering harmonious living environments, something that is highly regarded in Japanese culture.
Traveling with pets on an airplane
par Jeremy Grigson 21 février 2024
When moving to Japan, pets can add an extra level of consideration to your move. In this article, we'll be looking at some of the things to consider when bringing your pet with you to Japan.
crowded train in Japan
par Jeremy Grigson 18 janvier 2024
Japan loves its trains. In this post, we'll explore some key aspects of train etiquette that expats should be aware of to seamlessly integrate into Japan's bustling rail culture.
Recycled Paper
par Jeremy Grigson 24 novembre 2023
Whether it's paper bags, endless waves of bumpf in the mail or promotional material, it's everywhere and is often deemed a more environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. While this may be true, it will only ever be so if it's recycled and that's what we want to cover in this article.
cans to be recycled
par Jeremy Grigson 10 juillet 2023
If you live in a modern apartment, the chances are that you can dispose of your recyclables on any day at any time in the designated garbage disposal area. However, if you live in a house or an apartment that doesn't have a garbage area, you will likely need to take your recycling to a specific spot, which may be a few minutes' walk from your home.
the word trash spray painted on a drum
par Jeremy Grigson 30 mai 2023
Rubbish is big business in Japan and, operating under the "3R Initiative", there are strict rules that you should play by if you want to perfect your recycling game. With all the plastic that Japan gets through, it’s comforting to an eco-nut like myself that at least they purport to recycle it all. Whether they really do or not is another question, but either way, the rules must be followed!
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