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Japan Mobility 25 Year Anniversary Logo
par Mobi 20 janvier 2025
We are excited to announce that Japan Mobility is celebrating its 25th Anniversary as a trusted partner for individuals and businesses relocating to Japan.
Graph with Japanese flag and fluctuating market arrow.
par Mobi 6 janvier 2025
As we look ahead to 2025, several key trends and predictions are shaping the Japanese market across various sectors. The Japanese economy is expected to continue its gradual recovery in 2025, driven by both domestic and foreign demand.
Recertification of ISO: 9001
par Mobi 30 avril 2024
Japan Mobility is thrilled to announce that it has passed its recent recertification audit for the ISO;9001 Standard, which showcases its commitment to high-quality services, made possible through our effective Quality Management System.
Gallery Rin located in Kitanagoya, Aichi
par Jeremy Grigson 11 mars 2024
Aichi is particularly famous for its ceramics and tucked away in the quiet residential neighbourhood of Kitanagoya, is a lady passionate about ceramics who is waiting to educate, inspire and create truly unique and fantastic ceramics for the foreign population of Nagoya and the rest of Japan.
Japan borders opening up in 2022
par Jeremy Grigson 2 septembre 2022
Japan firmly closed its doors to foreigners for two years with any attempt to reopen quickly shut down as cases were confirmed, leading to very strict entry requirements and procedures, a bane for doctors, HR departments and immigration.
EuRA Global Quality Seal
par Pierre Boussard 16 septembre 2021
Japan Mobility is proud to announce that we have recently been awarded the EuRA Global Quality Seal, the most highly regarded certification in the relocation industry.
ISO 9001:2105 Certified Company
par Sonny Swinhart 2 juin 2021
Japan Mobility K.K. is proud to announce it is now certified as an ISO 9001:2015 compliant organization. The certification is accredited by the British Standards Institution (BSI).
COVID-19 Vaccinations in Japan
par Christopher Zarodkiewicz Jr. 28 mai 2021
It would seem that we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. To address the biggest concern, “Can I get vaccinated as a foreigner?”, the answer is YES. You will be eligible for the vaccine once it is available to your age group.
PCR Test (for COVID-19)
par Chris Zarodkiewicz 9 février 2021
As multiple vaccines get distributed around the globe, there is now hope that an end is in sight in Japan with talk that the vaccine will be widely available. In addition to the vaccine, people around Japan can now take a PCR test quickly and affordably by acquiring a testing kit at various locations.
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